One of the many items in Magnolia Fisheries’ toolbox for aquatic weed control is the EPA approved, systemic herbicide called Sonar. Sonar is manufactured by SePRO Corporation, a research-based life science company that has been recognized as a leader in developing aquatic products. Sonar is one of the best products on the market for achieving season long control of problematic submersed vegetation. Sonar is available in several different formulations which are tailored to each situation and the specific task at hand. Some of the common area weeds controlled by Sonar include pondweed, coontail, watermilfoil, and duckweed. Sonar is also used to fight the spread of hydrilla, which is a highly invasive plant that plagues many public lakes, rivers, and waterways across the country.
Fewer applications, longer effectivity
Once applied to a pond or lake, Sonar is slowly absorbed by the pesky weeds and begins to work its magic. Sonar interrupts the ability of the plant to produce specialized pigments that protect it from sunlight. Over time, the weeds are “bleached out” and die off over the course of 30-90 days. One benefit of Sonar is that its slow activity eliminates the risk of a fish kill due to rapid depletion of dissolved oxygen. A single Sonar application in the spring can eliminate the need for multiple treatments using less specialized, contact herbicides during the growing season (typically March through November). As a result, Sonar can save you a significant amount of money over the course of the year.

Early effects of Sonar bleaching
Aquatic Weed Control that doesn’t harm fish
Sonar is not only one of the most effective pond products, but also one of the safest. Due to its specific mode of action, Sonar does not affect wildlife, fish, or humans when used at the recommended doses. The product is not persistent in the environment and breaks down quickly by sunlight and naturally occurring bacteria that thrive in your pond. In fact, ponds treated with Sonar can be immediately used for fishing, swimming, and livestock/pet consumption with no adverse effects. Sonar is one of the few aquatic products that is effective at dosage rates as low as 45-90 ppb. To put that into perspective, that is equal to approximately 7-14 ounces in an Olympic size swimming pool!
There are some things to be considered before choosing Sonar. It does carry a 30 day irrigation restriction for turf and ornamental plants. Therefore, if you use your pond as a watering source, you will need to turn off any irrigation pumps for a period of 30 days after application. Due to its slow mode of action, we do not recommend Sonar in ponds or lakes with high amounts of flow or significant water exchange. Another note is that Sonar DOES NOT control algae species such as filamentous algae, blue-green-algae, and chara. Nor does it effectively control shoreline, emergent plants such as cattails, water primrose, or alligator weed. Therefore, pest identification is critical when choosing the proper pond product.
Magnolia Fisheries is a SePro Preferred Applicator in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Give one of our biologists a call if your pond is full of weeds. Sonar could be your solution!